There are about 30 ICBunko throughout the UK. These are attended by about 550 children aged from around 2 to 9 years old. Each ICBunko is organised by the parents of the children. ICBA UK supports them with supplies of books, information and regular meetings. This is the list of all the ICBunko currently in the UK.

Map of active ICBunko in the UK リンク先がが別ページに開きます
Please email us if you would like more information.


現在活動中の文庫の一覧地図 リンク先がが別ページに開きます
文庫に関してのお問い合わせ、見学希望などは、こちらまで ご連絡ください。

Dragon North Wales Dragon

We are a small kids book club located in North Wales that has just established in 2023.

We focus on picture-story shows and reading Japanese kid’s books to kids, and also provide support for children to be able to read and write Japanese.

Main activities we are planning now is Japanese nursery rhymes, playing KARUTA(card game), crafts, outdoor game/activities.(e.g. “Daruma-san ga koronda”, Excursions, Camping, Radio calisthenics, etc.).

And also, Japanese seasonal events such as Japanese calligraphy, “Setsubun”,Children’s Day,”Matsuri” in Summer/Fall, “Jugoya”, Christmas are planned to support children interact with Japanese culture.

If you are interested in our book club and live near area, please feel free to contact us for a trial.