There are about 30 ICBunko throughout the UK. These are attended by about 550 children aged from around 2 to 9 years old. Each ICBunko is organised by the parents of the children. ICBA UK supports them with supplies of books, information and regular meetings. This is the list of all the ICBunko currently in the UK.

Map of active ICBunko in the UK リンク先がが別ページに開きます
Please email us if you would like more information.


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文庫に関してのお問い合わせ、見学希望などは、こちらまで ご連絡ください。

Kirin-san Birmingham, West Midlands Kirin-san

Kirin-san bunko is part of a wider volunteer group promoting Japanese language and cultures to children up to primary school level and books are exchanged on the first Saturday of the month.
Toddler and pre-school groups also use the ‘kamishibai’ service and read them to children on a regular basis.

Kishapoppo (in recess) Milton Keynes Kishapoppo (in recess)

We are based in Milton Keynes. Our meeting which takes place once a month on Fridays (10.00 am – 12.00 pm) is for 0 – 4 year old and is part of the Japanese toddlers group in the area. Our bunko activities include seasonal crafts, reading picture books and singing songs. Our group offers an invaluable place where mums with babies can meet and get to know each other.

Our meeting which takes place once a month on Saturdays (15.00 – 18.00) is for 5 year old (reception) or older.   We meet in one of the village halls in Milton Keynes. Our activities include lending books, reading books, crafts and games. In our meetings we always try to do lots of activities. We aim to introduce children Japanese books and to expose them into Japanese language in an enjoyable environment.

Manazashi Bedfordshire Manazashi

We have over 2000 books in our library ranging from picture books for babies to substantial children’s books. Our member comes from Bedford, Northampton and Milton Keynes.