As we meet every Saturday during the term times, we form a kind of community. Our children are close and all the parents are very supportive and involved in our activities. Our main activities include reading book, crafts and organising seasonal events.
There are about 30 ICBunko throughout the UK. These are attended by about 550 children aged from around 2 to 9 years old. Each ICBunko is organised by the parents of the children. ICBA UK supports them with supplies of books, information and regular meetings. This is the list of all the ICBunko currently in the UK.
Map of active ICBunko in the UK
Please email us if you would like more information.
文庫に関してのお問い合わせ、見学希望などは、こちらまで ご連絡ください。
UK Mango St. Albans, Hertfordshire UK Mango
Igirisu Mango Bunko has people living in St Albans and also from other towns.
We enjoy seasonal Japanese songs, reading books, finger play songs, Hiragana-Karuta and seasonal crafts.
Also we organise several seasonal events such as Hina-Matsuri, Summer Matsuri and Sports day to try to offer more opportunities to experience Japanese culture to our children.
Nelson Norwich, Norfolk Nelson
We started as a Japanese play group in Norwich. The group is now one of the bunko. Our activities include “radio exercise”, singing seasonal songs, reading books, show & tell, leaning Japanese culture through traditional events and crafts etc. We introduce Japanese calligraphy and tea ceremony. We also teach children the Japanese language. Our outdoor activities include sports day, Japanese children’s games, kite flying etc. Once a year we organise a big event with the help of non-members.